Advocacy ATLAS
Online Advocacy ATLAS is a toolkit created by Genetic Alliance, Parent to Parent USA, and Family Voices that provides individuals with special healthcare needs and their families with tools and strategies to advocate for whatever they may need. Resources for: Access to Healthcare, Accessibility, Communicating About Your Health, Advocacy Leadership, Insurance and Financial Assistance, Transition to Adulthood, etc
Beach Center on Disability
A great place to find out what you can do to take action for special needs children in our world today. There is also a lot of information with which to educate yourself about different special needs that some children have.
Family Voices
A great website for information on what’s available for families of children with special needs. Also provides ways to contact government officials regarding special needs children.
Hali Project
The HALI Project is a tax-exempt, 501 (c) (3) organization established in 1999 to help families of children with special needs face their unique challenges. Our mission is to inspire people with special needs and their families through teaching and encouragement; and to improve the quality of services these families receive.
Pacer Center
Champions for Children with Disabilities, PACER Center is a parent advocacy site covering a wide variety of topics for special needs kids including education; community support; training for parents; bullying prevention, financial planning and teen transition to employment.
Parents, Let’s Unite for Kids (PLUK)
24 hours a day, seven days a week for support, information, and referral. Including early intervention (information, screening, evaluation, assessment), school, and all systems that serve children and families with special needs. PLUK will help you to: Know your rights; Advocate for children; Secure appropriate services; Keep children in school; Navigate education, health, mental health systems; Prepare for life after high school; Connect with other parents who understand; Start a parent group; Be a catalyst to improve services for children and families; Access resources and information.
Patient Advocate Foundation
Patient Advocate Foundation’s Patient Services provides patient with arbitration, mediation, and negotiation to settle issues with access to care, medical debt, and job retention related to their illness.